EMAC Roles and Responsibilities


The President shall be the chief spokesperson for the association, the chairman of the Executive Committee, and Presiding Officer at all meetings of the membership and of the Executive Committee. S/he shall appoint committees as necessary for the activities of the association during her/his term of office. S/he shall serve or appoint others to serve as liaison with other professional bodies.

The Vice-President Publications is responsible for the association's publications, particularly for the association's Journals. S/he reviews/makes proposal for any modifications to any EMAC publication to the Executive Committee. S/he makes recommendations on publication contracts, publication policies, subscription rates, budget and other matters relevant to the overall publication programme of EMAC. S/he is responsible for assisting the publisher of the association's Journal to obtain maximum circulation for the Journal.

The Vice-President Conferences is in charge of the coordination and standardisation of the association's Annual Conference, Doctoral Colloquium, and other academic meetings. S/he is in charge of controlling compliance to established EMAC Conference contracts and guidelines.

The Vice-President Membership and Communication is responsible for the monitoring of membership's needs and coordination of the efforts made by the National/ Regional Representatives to promote the association in their countries/ region. S/he is also responsible for communication to the members, through the website, newsletter and other communication channels. 

The Vice-President Global Relations is responsible for developing relations between the association and other marketing associations and organizations from around the world, and for expanding and deepening EMAC's global ties. 

The Vice-President Corporate Relationships is responsible for developing relations between the association and business community, business practitioners and sponsors. He/she is also responsible to develop research agenda that takes into account the needs of the business community.

The Vice-President for Education and Professional Development is responsible to develop PhD programs and tutorials for doctoral students and young researchers in the area of marketing. He or she is also responsible for developing EMAC as an information and professional development platform for PhDs and Young researchers. 

The Treasurer is responsible for controlling and approving the annual accounts of the association, for presenting them to the Executive Committee Members and for communicating them to the EMAC Members during the General Assembly.

The National/Regional Representatives promote the Academy in the country/region where they have their primary position, provide the Executive Committee with feedback from the members in their country/region, act as liaison with national/regional marketing organizations, and provide information to the Academy's Newsletter.

The Editors of the Journals of the Association are appointed by an ad hoc committee chaired by the Vice President Publications and including two other members elected by the Steering Committee upon nomination by the Vice President Publications. 

The Executive Secretary under the responsibility of the Executive Committee, takes care of the records and accounts of the Academy as well as the Academy's day-to-day operations.