Past Conferences

EMAC Regional Conferences history

In 2009 the European Marketing Academy decided to establish regional conferences and agreed that the first conference is organized to embrace the study of theoretical issues in changing markets. This endeavour receives the support of EMAC and its national representatives.

The conference is aimed to attract researchers interested in marketing issues in changing and growing markets, and issues regarding a regional perspective. All types of research approaches are welcome. Further it wants to serve the marketing communities of transition societies and interested researchers, as natural event of communication and meeting point.


13th EMAC Regional Conference

September 21-23, 2022
Kaunas, Lithuania
Conference Theme: "
Reshaping Consumer Centred Marketing"


12th EMAC Regional Conference

September 22-24, 2021
Warsaw, Poland
Conference Theme: "Extending boundaries: The impact of digital world on marketing"


11th EMAC Regional Conference
Online, Zagreb, Croatia
September 16-19, 2020
Conference Theme: "Challenging the status quo in marketing research" 


10th EMAC Regional Conference
St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Russia
September 25-27, 2019
Conference Theme: "Innovations in Marketing Models and Customer Experience Management: Emerging Markets Perspectives"


9th EMAC Regional Conference
Prague, Czech Republic
September 12-14, 2018


8th EMAC Regional Conference
The West University of Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania
September 20-22, 2017
Conference Theme: "Bridging the Marketing Theory/Practice Gap and Competitiveness of the New Europe"


7th EMAC Regional Conference
University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo
September 14-16, 2016
Conference Theme: Where the East kisses the West: Marketing Convergence and Divergence in the New Europe


6th EMAC Regional Conference
WU Vienna, Austria
September 16-18, 2015
Conference Theme: Convergence and Divergence in the New Europe: Marketing Challenges and Issues


5th EMAC Regional Conference
University of Katowice, Poland
September 24-26, 2014


4th EMAC Regional Conference, Marketing Theory Challenges in Emerging Societies
Saint-Petersburg, Russia
25-27 September 2013


3rd EMAC Regional Conference Marketing Theory Challenges in Emerging Societies
Belgrade, Serbia
September, 12-14, 2012


2nd EMAC Regional Conference, Marketing Theory Challenges in Emerging Societies
Iaşi, Romania
September 21-23, 2011
Conference Theme: Marketing Myths and Methodology


1st EMAC Regional Conference, Marketing Theory Challenges in Emerging Markets'
Budapest, Hungary
September 23-25, 2010